On December 8, 2022, the AddressForAll Institute attended the official launch event of the National System for Land Information Management (SINTER), managed by the Special Secretariat of the Brazilian Federal Revenue (Ministry of Economy).
SINTER is a platform that integrates geospatial cadastral data related to property and real estate, bringing important advances in data management. A unique identifier code is assigned to each georeferenced parcel, the Brazilian Real Estate Code (CIB), which stores the life history of the property and allows descriptive and graphic analysis.
Two million properties were registered in the system during the pilot project, and the forecast is that another 32 million will be added in 2023. The public geoportal that allows data visualization and analysis is expected to be launched soon.
During the event, Luis Felipe Cunha, AddressForAll GIS consultant, explained to the SINTER team and those present how OSM.codes could be beneficial for the SINTER project.
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